Sokoine University of Agriculture
Institute of Pest Management
P.O. Box 3110
Morogoro, Tanzania.
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Dr. Ladslaus Mnyone holds a PhD in Medical Entomology from Wageningen University, the Netherlands. This dynamic and solution driven researcher has the passion for studying and controlling the world’s most important insect disease vectors, particularly mosquitoes. Over the years, he has persistently demonstrated his wish to bring up potential vector control technologies to reality ‘bridging the gap between discovery and implementation‘.
He has championed the development of entomopathogenic fungi as greener control tools against mosquitoes and other important disease vectors. He is also involved in exploring the mosquito control potential of endectocides (e.g. Ivermectin) and other novel insecticides.
Even more inspiring, Dr. Mnyone was among the team of Tanzanian (in fact, the lead Tanzanian researcher) and foreign researchers, who recently developed a new generation mosquito control technology ‘Eave Tubes’. Among other merits, Eave tubes technology is easy to install, protect the whole family and kill even the mosquitoes that are resistant to conventional insecticide formulations.
Subsequent to this exemplary endeavor, Dr. Mnyone became one among the first recipients of HDIF grants with his project titled ‘Eave tubes/bricks for elimination of malaria in peri-urban Tanzania’. Under the duration of this project (2015 – 2017), Mnyone et al. aim to i) install eave tubes/bricks in 2000 houses within peri-urban Morogoro and Dar es Salaam ii) measure impact and consumer acceptance, iii) establish a network of public and private stakeholders and iv) initiate activities towards local manufacturing of the technology. Undouptfully, Dr. Mnyone’s key ambition as a scientist will continue being ‘conducting high quality and solution oriented research’.
Academic Qualifications
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Broecke BV; Mariën J, Sabuni CA, Mnyone Ladslaus L, Massawe AP, Matthysen E, Leirs H: Relationship between population density and viral infection: A role for personality? Ecology and Evolution 2019, 9:10213–10224.
Mulungu LS, Mchukya BM, Mnyone Ladslaus L: Trap barrier system (TBS) as a new tool for rodent pest management in irrigated rice in Africa. Intech Science, 2019.
Leadership at the university
Supervision of undergraduate Students
Supervision of Postgraduate Students
Postgraduates Students
PhD Students
MSc Students
Membership in committees, boards and professional organizations